Welcome to the Greater Salmon Valley Business Directory

Salmon Business DistrictBelow, you’ll find categories of businesses you can find in the Salmon, Idaho area. Our listing area includes all of Lemhi County. That means you can find businesses from Lost Trail Pass to Elk Bend to Leadore. Click on a category to browse our member businesses. For example, look for restaurants under “Food and Beverage”. If you don’t find the business you are looking for right away,  you can check another category. After that, try the search function. However, keep in mind that if they aren’t a member yet, they won’t be in this directory.

 If you see a problem with the directory, let us know. That way, we can look into fixing it as soon as possible.


Are you a local business that would like to be listed in our directory? Then head on over to our membership page and sign up! We’d love to have you. One benefits of Chamber membership is that you are listed on this Directory and in other Chamber materials. 

On the other hand, if you are looking for City Information,  head over to the City of Salmon website. If you need County information, head to Lemhi County’s website.

Thank you to the individuals who support our efforts and organization through their membership in our organization. 

Gail and Sandi Gibson